HEAT, High Energy Awareness Tour 2003/2004 is conceived as the ultimate,
comprehensive experience celebrating skateboarding as not only a
sport, but also as a mode of transportation, inspiration for budding
artists, and an activity that has produced its own unique lifestyle.
HEAT invites the general public to grow and play with their fellow
humans in the light of one of the most inspiring subcultures of
our time, the 21st Century Skate Culture. We will share awareness
of sustainable living, recycling, alternative transportation and
renewable energy sources, overall personal well-being, and community
HEAT is an interactive experience that will take you on the ride
of a lifetime.
The show will feature a half-hour theatrical skate show twice daily
that will tell a tale of skateboarding history to the audience,
in addition to a more elaborate night show with projected film footage
from skateboarding's beginnings to the present.
Each event will also feature kick-off performances by famed skate
A historical tour will take viewers through the evolution of skateboarding,
from the earliest days of the sport to today's modern skateboarding,
using skateboards, pictures, artwork, memorabilia and video in a
timeline tour narrated by legendary skateboarders. Celebrity skaters
will work as tour guides and answer questions about the history
of the sport.
and Multimedia
Children of all ages will be introduced to the sport through interactive
programs such as a finger-boarding course that allows them to emulate
skateboarding in a model environment. Skateboard learning courses
will give beginning skaters a chance to gain knowledge and skill
from qualified instructors.
partner GETM/Global Education Through
Music will facilitate ramp-building and skateboard workshops
where kids will learn about and participate in building, designing,
and painting ramps and skateboards. The technology learning lab
will offer an area for participants to use digital video, audio,
photography, capturing and editing techniques to create art, and
then take home their creations on CD ROM.
The first "The Art of Skateboarding" event and exhibit
was held at the Children's Museum of San Diego in April 2002. Thousands
of people had the opportunity to view the exhibit. Various media
crews covered the event . The Children's Museum of San Diego commended
our exhibit, and enjoyed a marked increase in attendance.
"The Art of Skate" then rolled on to Creative Space in
Hollywood, California. This successful two-day event featured a
skate history tour, demos, fingerboarding, interactive art workshops,
book signings, celebrity appearances, live music, and much fun for
all. The event received significant exposure from TV, radio, and
For more information regarding participation in the HEAT 2003 please
Tim Clark at 619-234-4070 or