Construction on the Bowl Ramp began on Jan 20, 1999, and completed on April 2, 1999. Dim. 11 ft. high, 9 ft. transition, 2 ft. vert, 26x36.

After 100 plus sheets of 3/4" ply, 300 plus 1/2" pieces of ply, 60 sheets of 1/2" birch ply, 800 plus 2"x6" round wall cuts, 1 skid of 4x4's, 100 feet of rolled 2 12" steel coping, 200 plus lbs of scews, 2000 plus man hours of technical labor, the CIA and High Rollers have created the first ever portable vertical skate bowl. The end product has turned out to be an architectural wonder. The bowl is stored at Clark Distributing Warehouse in Champaign, IL. It is skatable, portable, and ready for touring.

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